Individual Program

Stop Procrastination in your Daily Life

There is no one shot cure-all for procrastination. People postpone their responsibilities for a variety of reasons and in a number of different ways. It is also true that not everyone learns in the same way. That is why we offer two types of programs. One is individually focused, allowing people to meet with us one-on-one and customize a program to fit their individual needs. Alternatively, some individuals prefer to learn in shorter time period. For them we offer the PROCRASTINATION CURE program; a large full day session presented in cities across the country.

Both programs consist of:


The first step we take is to utilize a range of measures to determine your specific types of procrastination. Once you know the causes, we show you how to counter them.


We customize the various methods that will reverse your specific habit. There are different techniques for each type of procrastinating. For people who get distracted, it might be defining the goals and developing a system to stay on track. For others who might misestimate how much time it will take to do a task, it might be time estimating training. We focus on specific behavioral change techniques designed to change your specific procrastinating behavior. We also identify and neutralize your blocks to change.


We assign structured behavioral tasks and ways to challenge the thoughts hold you back from getting things done. You get specific behavioral instructions to change patterns of behavior and undercut the problem at its source.


With a combination of our proprietary software and personal contact, we provide a support system to guide, support and reinforce the new patterns of not procrastinating. One of the methods is to break a task down into its component parts. You would choose one task and a time when you wanted to start on it. You enter that information in our online program, and you receive a text reminding you to do it. You then record the next step.